court tennis

a variety of tennis played indoors on a specially constructed court having high cement walls off which the ball may be played, points being made chiefly by stroking the ball into any of three openings in the walls of the court.
Compare penthouse (def 7), tambour (def 7), winning opening.
Examples from the web for court tennis
  • In particular, examines whether video presentations could improve on-court tennis-serve returns.
  • And so begins clay court tennis's quirkiest bit of theater.
British Dictionary definitions for court tennis

court tennis

the US term for real tennis
Encyclopedia Article for court tennis

racket sport that is descended from and almost identical to the medieval tennis game jeu de paume ("game of the palm"). Real tennis has been played since the Middle Ages, but the game has become almost completely obscured by its own descendant, lawn tennis. Although real tennis contributed its name and scoring system to lawn tennis, real tennis is now played at fewer than 30 courts in the world. The court at Hampton Court palace, where Henry VIII played, is still used occasionally.

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